Reset your MySQL Admin Password

How to reset your MySQL Admin Password

You have installed MySQL and now you are having a hard time remembering the password, what should we do? Lets reset the MySQL root password.

You will need to login as the root user

First: Need to stop MySQL

/etc/init.d/mysql stop


killall mysql

Second: Create a msyql password sql script

vim /root/mysql.reset.sql

Append the following code:


Save and close the file

Third: Set the new mysql root password

mysqld_safe --init-file=/root/mysql.reset.sql &

Output should be:

nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
mysqld_safe[20970]: started

And now you are done resetting the mysql root password

Now simply stop and restart mysql

killall mysqld
/etc/init.d/mysql start
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